Magical Santa Letters



At Magical Santa Letters, we pride ourselves on crafting truly personalized and entirely custom letters from Santa Claus. Each letter includes a complimentary Nice List with your child’s name prominently featured. Additionally, we provide reindeer food using Mrs. Claus’ award-winning recipe, Magic snow, a letter from Rudolph, a Magical Key, Official Nice List Certificates from Santa, and much more. We’re enthusiastic about creating cherished Christmas memories filled with magic and wonder that will last a lifetime for your child. As a small family business, we’ve been spreading Christmas Magic since 2006.

Why Choose Magical Santa Letters?

Personalized Magic

We believe in the magic of a truly personal touch. Your child will feel like Santa knows them inside and out.

Quality & Authenticity

Our letters are crafted with the utmost attention to detail, ensuring they feel as though they've come straight from the North Pole.

Emories That Last

A Magical Santa Letter is not just a piece of paper. It's a treasured keepsake that will be cherished for years to come.


With over 15 years in the business, we have delighted countless children and families, creating cherished holiday memories.